Wood Moisture Meter


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Specially Designed for Timber Market
Has Eight Calibrating Scales
Accurate Measurement in 150 wood species
Can be used with integral pin electrodes or using the heavy duty moisture probe
Automatic temperature compensation
Range: 6% to 100%
Resolution: 0.1
Accuracy: ±1%


Digital Wood Moisture Meter that can measure moisture in up to 150 different kinds of wood.

This industrial-grade, wide range, digital wood moisture meter is a conductivity moisture instrument designed for use on wood.

With a measurement range of 6 – 99%, it is ideal for the lumber yard, furniture factory and hobby wood projects, where wood moisture monitoring is important.

This device is compact and very portable. It comes with a remote probe and a temperature probe. A heavy duty carrying pouch is also included for the protection of the device and for your convenience.

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